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Dennis Lambert is running on a simple three part platform: EMPLOYMENT for every willing American at wages for supporting a family, improving not only the VA system for VETERANS, but ensuring the continued support and benefits they deserve for their sacrifice, and a healthy concern for the ENVIRONMENT and the impacts of persistent exploitation of our natural resources to human and wildlife.


Dennis Lambert has always seen full-time employment as a way out of poverty. Dennis grew up as a recipient of food stamps and worked for minimum wage as a means of sole support. Something the other candidates for Congress haven’t.* Unfortunately, the increase in prosperity that was supposed to trickle down to the middle class and poor has not. And while Congress has voted 15 times to raise their wages, they have only voted to raise minimum wage five times since the late 1980s. Income disparity is a growing problem in the United States, starving the middle class into poverty.


It is true that minimum wage has failed thousands of Ohioans in the 6th District, and it seems unfair for huge multi-national corporations to pay their workers so little they qualify for Governmental assistance means citizens are breaking their backs to make billions in profits for these companies. This means the part of the federal budget that goes to SNAP, Medicaid for the poor, and HUD are actually subsidies to McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, and banks that pay minimum wage. A myth is perpetrated that these workers are uneducated or young, but over 60% of minimum wage workers are over 25 and more than 35% have some college degree. While there are so many people with degrees, there is also a great gap in the education needed for a job and the education a potential employee had access to that would provide them with the specialized knowledge to meet the demands of a 21st Century workforce.


Dennis Lambert, as all Green Party Candidates, supports a living wage for working families.  Dennis also supports educational opportunities for all workers to train for jobs that companies need that they cannot fill.


For more information, or if you have a question for Dennis Lambert about his platform on EMPLOYMENT, or other issues, connect to his social media links on the bottom of this page.



*99% of Congress Members are millionaires, 87% of candidates are millionaires.


Dennis Lambert served eight years in the Army and Army Reserves from June 1992-June 2000. While uneventful, his service is still unrecognized by the Federal and State governments. Dennis grew up around Vietnam Veterans and was always proud of his families long tradition of service, both his Grandfather and Great-Grandfather volunteered out of Lawrence County for service in the World Wars, his father was drafted to the Navy in the 1960s. Dennis has worked with veterans for years to get them benefits. In 2013, Dennis got his certification as a State Service Officer and worked with AMVETS on veterans claims.
Dennis has worked with veterans who have been fighting with the VA on claims for over ten years and knows the difficult hurdles the VA places before vets when they are trying to prove their disability and the consistent denial of the VA of evidence to support veteran’s claims. Especially in the areas of Agent Orange, Gulf-War Syndrome, PTSD, MST, and mistreatment and infection at VA medical facilities, Dennis has worked hard with veterans to get the treatment they deserve. He has also worked with veterans to get training and employment after returning from service.
Dennis Lambert supports a complete overhaul of the VA Benefits system, which hasn’t been updated since the late 1950s and a reform that requires ALL Veterans Benefits Administration employees have military service. Dennis also supports the VETERANS FAIR EMPLOYMENT ACT as well as removing the obstacles to veterans collecting Social Security and disability compensation. Dennis also supports legislation providing veteran status to all service members honorably discharged from service regardless of Reserve, National Guard, or Active service. Those that served signed a check up to and including their own life, those who paid with less than their life deserve compensation for their sacrifice.
For more information, or if you have a question for Dennis Lambert about his platform on VETERANS, or other issues, connect to his social media links on the bottom of this page.


Dennis Lambert is a canoeist, outdoorsman, and hunter. His Eagle Scout project was about the importance of recycling in every community. Dennis grew up in the hills of Southern West Virginia and Northeastern Kentucky, hiking and exploring the ranges, imagining the lives of Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, and Michael Tygart. Dennis has grown a garden or farmed over the last thirty years and has learned to listen to nature: learning what can grow best and what to expect from the weather.


To all of nature, we must seek a balance between what we take and what we give.

Seeking an understanding of nature and science is seeking to understand God.


These are the two basic philosophies Dennis recognizes as his inspiration for making a stand for the environment. If we continue to harm the environment, we cannot hunt, or fish, or farm. When we cannot do these things, we have no way to live. What is the point of destroying God’s Creation?


We need to advance the science of new, clean energy technology. Jobs are dying in fossil fuels, three and four jobs are created in clean energy for every job lost in coal from mountaintop removal, and oil or gas from fracking. (Which in itself is more harmful than the industry is admitting.) Combining wind and solar, along with hydo-turbines along the Ohio River alongside existing dams, we can provide the 6th District with more than enough electricity to spread out beyond our district.


Dennis Lambert, like all other Green Party Candidates, supports ending subsidies to dirty coal, oil, and gas industries. Dennis also supports research into alternative clean energy and improving efficiency that includes investment in local origination. Dennis supports legislation that improves our infrastructure, providing efficiency and independence from fossil fuels and foreign energy entanglements.


For more information, or if you have a question for Dennis Lambert about his platform on EMPLOYMENT, or other issues, connect to his social media links on the bottom of this page.

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